Empowering Universidad Siglo 21 with Amazon Web Services

Universidad Siglo 21, a pioneering educational institution in technological advances in Argentina, has taken a significant step into the future by setting up its educational platform and management systems in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, seeking to transform itself in order to put the student at the center.

Since its foundation in 1995, Universidad Siglo 21 has had a clear vocation for transformation, seeking democratization and educational inclusion throughout the national territory. With a presence in Argentina's 24 states and thousands of students who have fulfilled their academic dreams, the institution has stood out for its focus on innovation and technology to improve education.

Anticipating future challenges, the university opted for a digital approach long before the pandemic, focusing on distance education as a means to reach more students and provide them with opportunities for growth. The COVID-19 pandemic confirmed the importance of this strategy and, thanks to the adoption of AWS, Universidad Siglo 21 remained agile and competitive in a very challenging context for the education sector.

The choice of Amazon Web Services as the technology platform was a strategic decision, allowing the university to achieve the scalability and high availability it needed to stay at the forefront of distance education. AWS became the perfect partner to ensure that the institution's core systems, such as the learning management system (LMS), content management system (CMS), back-office, customer relationship management (CRM), and digital marketing, would run smoothly and deliver an exceptional student experience.

Thanks to this migration to the AWS cloud, Universidad Siglo 21 has achieved remarkable results in a short period of time. In just one year, the number of students enrolled increased by 35%, marking a historic milestone for any private university in Argentina. In addition, the improvement in quality indicators was evident, drastically reducing incidences and increasing lead-to-student conversion rates.

The adoption of cutting-edge technology has also had a positive impact on students, who experience a smoother and more satisfying educational experience. The university has managed to measure an impressive Net Promoter Score (NPS) of +31, demonstrating the high level of satisfaction among students and their support for the new AWS-based infrastructure.

This technological transformation has allowed Universidad Siglo 21 to remain on the road to educational excellence, with a vision centered on the student and society in general.

The University's data since modernization:

  • Availability, performance and scalability
  • Integrated online education platform with mobile application and virtual campus.
  • 100% completion of the academic year in the pandemic
  • 24,000 graduates by 2020 and 2021
  • Record 35% increase in the number of new entrants
  • 5-to-1 reduction in the number of incidents
  • 7 to 12 point increase in lead conversion rates
  • Flexible, agile and efficient infrastructure
  • Focus on the design of new value propositions
  • Increase from +10 to +31 in the NPS index of students

The combination of AWS technology and our experience in cloud deployment as an AWS partner has been key in this educational transformation. Universidad Siglo 21 has demonstrated that technology can be a powerful ally in fulfilling dreams and transforming society through education. With its AWS cloud platform and systems, the university is poised for a bright future, offering quality and accessible education to thousands of students across the country.

Source: (https://aws.amazon.com/es/solutions/case-studies/universidad-siglo-21)