¿What is Breaking Gaps?

Breaking Gaps is our DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) program designed to foster inclusion and equal opportunities within Bitlogic and contribute to a more diverse tech sector. Our mission is to promote and implement actions that build a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse technology industry.

Our Four Main Objectives:

Iso breaking gaps Create a Healthy Work Environment: Cultivate a supportive and positive workplace for all team members.

Iso breaking gaps Achieve Team Diversity and Equal Growth Opportunities: Ensure our teams are diverse and everyone has equal opportunities for professional development.

Iso breaking gaps Support and Promote DEI Actions in the Tech Industry: Lead by example and encourage other companies to adopt DEI practices.

Iso breaking gaps Generate Inclusive Actions: Recognize the tech industry’s role in economic development and address the underrepresentation of women and marginalized groups to reduce economic inequality.

Why DEI Matters to Us?

The technology sector is crucial for global economic growth, yet it often lacks diverse representation. This disparity contributes to economic inequality. At Bitlogic, we believe diversity fuels creativity and innovation. More importantly, we recognize our responsibility to build community and act as agents of social change.

diversity in tech

Technical roles

compared to 22% in the local IT sector, as surveyed by the Córdoba Technology Cluster (27.5% across all areas).

diversity in tech


compared to 28% in the local IT sector, as surveyed by the Córdoba Technology Cluster

diversity in tech


3 out of 6 members of our board are women.

Engineer Manager

"It is important to spark interest, inspire vocation, showcase references, promote equity in caregiving tasks so that there is the possibility that more and more women choose a STEM career."

Melina Miranda

Engineering Manager


"It is important to work on a diverse culture and a healthy work environment for all gender diversities."

Verónica Larralde

