Our culture is our main code

When the company where Alfredo Edye and his partners closed, they had two options: getting a position in any leading company in the market or taking a risk and found a company where they could be encouraged and add all the value they had. True to their audacity, the second option won.

That’s how Bitlogic was born, a company for the design, engineering and agile development of software products that mainly aims to innovate and evolve solutions for education. Its specialty is the automation of end-to-end processes and engineering environments and processes. In addition, our company facilitates the construction of machine learning tools to generate valuable business models. Bitlogic is part of R'Evolution, a group with more than 25 years of experience in the education sector that is made up of university, tertiary and lifelong learning organizations and institutions.

A new language

Always working on building and taking risks, Alfredo and his partners decided to be more than a software development company. They gathered a team of professional experts in the field and together they developed a work culture that today is shared by almost 100 people. Creativity and word games lovers, the founders decided to build new terms that were accepted and adopted by all. Our company culture or Bitway is visible and present everywhere. Not only in our work methodology but also in our office. The workplace, our home. Bithouse is an old house, fully refurbished in the best modern coworking style. It has a view that is as ambitious as its projects and this is the meeting point for those who work there. Agile methodologies, team projects and big tables where both the CEO and a new member of the company are sitting are permanent situations that represent what the company really is. In this regard, Verónica Larralde, CPO, explains:

"Although today there are middle managers, at Bitlogic there is no verticality as the concept itself. The best thing to be shared is knowledge, and we are constantly learning from each other".

Speaking the same language

As part of the company's growth and consolidation, a lot of work has been done to create a repository of information that contains the procedures carried out in the organization explaining how things are done at Bitlogic. Each member has access to this information and the goal is to share this knowledge with each new person that joins the team. Another way to keep in touch is through a talk at the end of each quarter. It is called All Hands and the whole company is invited to attend. Among the topics shared are: the company strategy, the financial report (the numbers are openly shown), new projects, the results of the organizational climate survey, actions and progress. There, a feedback space is generated in which everybody can ask questions or comment on what they consider necessary.

The first law

An implicit rule is in the air of Bithouse: take risks.

"At Bitlogic we reward those who make mistakes because that means there was an intention to be bold and take risks," says Verónica.

We “reward" is not a metaphor, but a reality. At the end of each year, the "Awkwards" are held. This internal award recognizes values such as audacity, companionship, drive and the mistake of the year, among many others. The idea, in addition to providing recognition and contributing to the playful environment, is to stop stigmatizing the fear to make errors. In Bitlogic we give total freedom for our people to experiment, propose and execute. Why? Because, we believe this is how innovation is achieved. It is by challenging projects, and not the other way around, that remarkable feats are accomplished.

We are a team

Female participation is a central focus. In an industry in which it is difficult to exceed 20% of women participation in the technical area, Bitlogic challenges and breaks limits. 40% of its total payroll are women, reaching almost the same percentage (37.4%) in the product development department. The team of engineering managers, on the other hand, has a 50% female participation, as well as the board of directors. Once again, Bitlogic lives up to another of its greatest mottos: "be different".

In addition to a strong female participation, Bitlogic carries out activities that encourage all people’s involvement: from after office parties and barbecues, to outings through the beautiful landscapes in Córdoba. The idea is to have the whole company together, sharing to promote bonds and teamwork. And that, of course, is reflected in the final product our developers deliver to our customers.